The Knights of Columbus will be holding a St. Valentine breakfast on Sunday, February 16th after the 8:00 am & 10:00 am Masses at St. Francis of Assisi. All parishioners, families and friends are invited.
Price: $9 per adult & $5 per child (10 and under)
Location: Unity Place at St. Francis
Menu: Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs, Sausage, Fruit, and Coffee
Just in time for Lent! Join fellow Christians as we take a scriptural tour through rituals of the Mass. You will be drawn into the meaning and background of the prayers and other elements of the sacred Liturgy.
Next weekend, we will take up the collection for Prepares. Prepares is a statewide Bishops’ sponsored ministry encouraging parishioners to live out our Catholic teachings regarding the value of all human life and the preferential option for the poor. Envelopes can be found in your envelope packets and on the tables in the back of the church.
Join us at St. Francis of Assisi Parish for a free showing of the movie “Covenant of the Salmon People”, a PBS documentary featuring a portrait of the Nez Perce Tribe as they continue to carry out their ancient promise to protect the Chinook salmon. The film explores the intertwined fate of the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce), salmon, and the landscape from which both evolved. Guest speakers Connie McLeod of the Puyallup tribe and Joan Staples-Baum of the Chippewa tribe will be joining us for discussion following the movie; refreshments provided. All are welcome
When: Sunday, January 12th at 11:00 am
Where: St. Francis of Assisi Parish Hall
Sponsored by the St. Francis Life, Justice, Peace Group.
Hospitality House is a homeless shelter for women in Burien. During the month of January, St. Bernadette will be collecting items for the shelter. There is a basket in the vestibule of the church for your donation. We thank you for your support.
St. Bernadette now has an Assisted Listening Service installed in the church. The video below explains how to access the system. We strongly recommend using your own personal phones. We have a limited number of receivers you may check out with your keys (plus not all the headsets arrived and are on order).
Any questions, comments, concerns can be answered by Roger Berger, organist and tech director.
We hope this helps many people be more able to actively participate at Mass.
Enjoy an afternoon with friends while making gingerbread houses and decorating Christmas cookies in the parish hall on Sunday, December 8th after the 9:30 am Mass. A signup sheet is on the tables in the back of the church so we make sure to have enough supplies on hand. This is a free event, but registration is required. We hope to see you there!
Next weekend, The Giving Tree will be set up in the back of the church. If you are planning on taking advantage of the black Friday deals after Thanksgiving, select a tag from the tree to take with you when you shop. Items will benefit Avamere Rehab of Burien (formerly Burien Nursing and Rehab), St. Francis House toy collection, Safe Future & Providence Regina House. Gifts are due by Sunday, December 15th.
On Saturday, November 23rd, Our Lady of Lourdes Eucharistic Youth will be attending the 5:00 pm Mass at St. Bernadette. Mass will be in Vietnamese and English.
There will be a reception after Mass with food and performances to celebrate their 20th Anniversary/Feast Day. This is a free event, and all are welcome.
The Finance Council is looking for a few more people! The purpose of the finance council is to provide the pastor, the parish pastoral council, and other leadership bodies with professional financial analysis. For this reason, it is important that the finance council membership should be as balanced as possible (e.g., by gender, age, race, and ethnicity) and composed of people who have had experience in the areas of business, finance, administration, and accounting. If you are interested in becoming a member, please call the Parish Office.
Many of you have noticed the large dumpster in the parking lot in front of the Faith Formation Center. In August, we entered into a Commercial Lease Agreement with Kennedy Catholic High School for the use of that space. Kennedy Catholic needed additional housing for their international Student Program. Kennedy Catholic has agreed to pay for all the renovations and upgrades to the facility to turn it into their international girl’s dormitory. Once completed, they will be able to house 28 girls with 2 adult dormitory managers. If all the work goes as planned, they hope to have students living in the dormitory by January 2025. The Faith Formation Center has relocated to a meeting space at the parish office.
On November 28th we will have our traditional 9:00 am liturgy. It is very simple and only about 40 minutes long. You are home in time to baste and watch the game. This is one of the special traditions of St. Bernadette Church. Bring your family and celebrate with the Parish Family.