St. Bernadette Parish welcomes children 7 years of age or older to celebrate their First Holy Communion. Diocesan policy requires that children complete one full year of Faith Formation classes prior to preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. A child must complete their preparation process before celebrating their First Holy Communion.
Classes for children are available every year in the Faith Formation center. To registger, contact the parish office. 206-242-7370
If our child is over the age of 7, and has not yet been Baptized, please refer to the information for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for children. For more information, CLICK HERE
Would you like to pay the $60 preparation Fee electronically? The link below will take you to the parish on-line giving portal. Log in to your account. Enter your information and be certain to specify First "Holy Communion" in order to have your payment credited properly.
Adults (those over the age of 18) are encouraged to participate in the RCIA process to prepare to receive Holy Communion. The celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation takes place during the Easter Vigil. CLICK HERE for more information.